Boston Women's Shoe Last Top
Boston Women's Shoe Last Side

Boston Women’s Shoe Last

$70.00 USD

To order a custom shoe last, please leave the above sizing as default and fill out your desired shoe last measurements below (if wanting to submit foot measurements, please choose our bespoke level of customization). Our custom shoe lasts are for experienced shoemakers with an understanding of how shoe last and foot measurements differ. Please note that waist girth and ankle girth are optional and that girth measurements specified will be the final girth measurements regardless of extra space added for inserts/orthotics. For a general explanation, please see this guide: custom shoe lasts.
For bespoke shoe lasts, please leave the sizing information above as default and choose below what kind of foot data you would like to provide to us.
Please upload the 3D models to the cloud (we prefer Google drive if possible), and provide links here. Please also let us know whether the scans were taken full, semi, or non weightbearing.
Please fill out the following inputs by referring to our girth measurement and foot outline guides. Foot tracing should be scanned with a flatbed scanner or if not available then an app like TurboScan to scale and rectify a photo. The waist girths are optional and the ankle measurements are only necessary for boot lasts and feet with unusually low ankle bones. See this image to help determine arch height.
Please fill out the following inputs by referring to our girth measurement and 2D Scan guides. The waist girths are optional and the ankle measurements are only necessary for boot lasts and feet with unusually low ankle bones. See this image to help determine arch height.
We only recommend casting for feet with significant abnormalities or deformities. When casting, we recommend STS fiberglass cast done by an experienced podorthist or equivalent. It should be done semi-weight bearing on a flat surface so that the foot posture is controlled.

We also recommend sending us a tracing done as explained here so we can cross check the measurements and shape. It's also helpful to send us pictures of the foot, particularly around any areas of concern.

After placing your order, please ship your casts for us to analyze to: 2105 Midland Ave Unit 3 Toronto, ON M1P3E3, Canada
Please upload scanned foot outlines (made following our guide) and any other images (jpg, png, pdf) that can aid us in developing your shoe lasts (including of any possible foot pathologies). Alternatively, images can be uploaded to the cloud and link input below.

Please provide previous order number and an other necessary identifying information.
Last specific measurements coming soon. For now please see our sizing charts.
You've selected to purchase just the insole patterns (note that free digital insole patterns for standard sizes are linked to on this page). Please choose local pickup at checkout and we will email you the patterns. Note that you do not need to make further insole pattern selections in the "Patterns" section further down this ordering form.
When placing orders that do not include a physical shoe last, please make sure to select the option for a digital shoe last model and/or patterns (orders for $0 will be deleted). Then choose local pickup at checkout so as not to pay shipping fees. We will email you the files when your order is complete. Please see our order policy page for order timelines.
Please write the size you would like for us to design. Oversized lasts may require additional shipping fees for overseas orders.
Please specify the name of the shoe last from our collection with the toe style you would like.
Please provide the order ID and any other necessary identifying information. If for the current order, please state that.
For more extensive shoe last development, please see our shoe last development service.
Note that free digital insole patterns for standard sizes are linked to on this page.

- Color may differ from the color in the product image above.
- Copying and/or grading of our shoe lasts and components by a 3rd party is not permitted unless you have selected the option for extended usage rights.
- Please make sure to review our order policies.
Product total
Options total
Grand total


This ladies shoe last was originally made for a wide toe sandal to accommodate a more relaxed toe shape. It has been adopted for a wide toe box with oblique toe character with generous to room. The average size of this shoe last has a 10 mm heel height and 15 mm toe spring. Although it has a wide toe at the front, the heel area is an average width.

Additional information


Heel Height



Toe Style


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